The Feel Your Life signature program is an individualized mentorship that gives you a formula to cultivate stress resilience, optimize breathflow, increase lung capacity and create emotional balance. The relationship you create between yourself and breath is the most important relationship you'll have on this journey. Conscious living is a path of growth into our true nature.
In 90 days you'll uncover what keeps you stuck in unhealthy behavior patterns such as: root causes of suffering, learned behaviors, mental conditioning and breath dysfunction. This awareness gives you insight into how to level up, access healthy boundaries, recognize patterns and stop overreacting to life. This program is about relationship building, functional breathing, responding to our emotions, and feeling connected. We pair breathwork with the mindbody to harbor awareness, gain clarity and experience integration.
Integrated Healing Sessions
Mindset Strategy Sessions
Weekly themed session notes and individualized feedback
BreathVersity Membership
The Balanced Breath Course ($150 value)
Strategy workbook with resources and reflection exercises
Weekly email and social messenger support in between sessions
Online monthly group breath sessions
Integrated Healing Breath Sessions - These sessions are the heart of this program. Breathwork is an active breathing meditation that will open, cleanse and heal. We practice breathwork to connect our mind and body, access healing and insight, expand our consciousness, release stress and anxiety, re-energize the body and gain clarity & vision. Each month you will participate in integrated healing sessions that support you as you continue to show up with life’s blessings and challenges.
Mindset Strategy Sessions - The monthly alignment calls are designed to help you stay on track with integration, well-being practices and reflection work. The more aligned you are outside of each session, the more successful you will be with long term behavior change.
Weekly Themes & Workbook - The breath is your guide on this journey. We set intention at the start of each session and we open up to the experience as it unfolds. Each session is different than the one before. We dedicate each week to a particular theme to help you move through the many spokes of life and work towards emotional recovery.
“Breathwork has changed my life. Without it I would still be reacting from all my trauma, constantly in flight or fight, miserable and in my head.”
The Breath Course - Emotional well-being is a willingness, a decision and an action. It takes practice, a lot of practice to unlearn years of dysfunctional breathing and re-learn the healthy way to breathe. This course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of breath mastery, emotional regulation, techniques to calm the mind, increase lung capacity and reset the nervous system. It’s a great way to help you begin a breathwork practice at home, at work, and in day to day flow.
Monthly Group Fusion Classes - Each month we offer group fusion classes that create a space for you to deepen your practice, explore group energy and connect with a like-minded community focused on inner work and healing.
“If you’ve tried conventional therapy before without success, I urge you to give yourself and this process a chance.”
The cost for the program is $1750 if paid in full or $600 in 3 monthly installments due the 1st of each month. We accept payment via cash, check, Venmo, Cash App or Zelle. All credit/debit card payments will include an additional processing fee. Please email with any questions. Scholarships are available.